Thursday, November 15, 2007

HW# 35 Letter to My Readers.

Dear Reader's, this is not the end, but it is getting very close. After these past 13 weeks that we have been reading and creating blog post I can say that I have learned a lot. Through the various readings we learned about politics, foreign issues, and they way life used to be back in the old days. When you read my blog's I hope that you can get a better understanding on all of the things I just mentioned. I know that I got a better feel for people’s life styles and what’s going on in the world today. I would have to say that I am very proud of the work I have produced, I was able to talk about issues that I have never really been interested in. I learned about the war in Iraq and what's really going on behind the scene. And without reading Riverbend's book "Baghdad Burning," I would have never been able to fully understand and share with all of you. After class is over I think I will keep my blog, but I don't think the posts will be as frequently as they are now. I think I will keep sharing information about readings, and possibly new life lessons that I'm learning along the way. So as for deleting it, I don’t think I will just yet. And I think it would be pretty cool to look back on this years from now, and see what has changed since the time I wrote these blogs. So I hope that you all gained some knowledge from reading my blog's, because I know I have gained a ton of knowledge. And if I post in the future, I hope you will come back to read the new ones. And please feel free to comment on whatever issue I am talking about. So thanks again!!! -Jackie B-

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Glad you won't delete it; you have a substantial body of work here. Well done.