Saturday, November 3, 2007

HW#27 Annotated Bibliography for Baghdad Burning

Riverbend. Baghdad Burning. New York, NY. The Feminist Press, 2005

This book is about a young girl that lives in Iraq who began blogging in 2003 about her experiences as a civilian observer in Baghdad. She is an eyewitness to the daily life of a person in the war zone. In her blog she responds in both a political and personal way. She reveals the fate of Iraqi Women, whose rights and freedoms are falling victim to rising fundamentalism. This book fits into our course because she is a woman who is blogging to make a difference in the world. It's a very informative book that tells us about the politics behind the war and our country. What I hope to gain by reading this book is a lot more knowledge about the war and what's truly going on over there. I not being a follower of politics will hopefully benefit from reading it.

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