Monday, October 8, 2007

HW#18 New men's bathroom layout? Not so much!

For this homework we were asked to monitor some of the blogs we were watching from the last seven days and pick one that was our least favorite. I picked a post from You can find the post at The main thing about this post is the picture. It’s of a men’s bathroom. In the picture it shows the sinks. On these sinks are dismembered women bending over, they are actually attached to the sinks. Like a part of them. The main quote is "What is it about bathrooms and women’s dismembered body parts?" I automatically figured that this bathroom had to be a men’s bathroom, and I found that to be rather insulting. Most of the post was made up of other people’s comments. One of the comments that was on the post I thought was rather funny it was "Any guy who feels the need to pretend like he's humping something when he washes his hand probably shouldn't be allowed in society among the rest of us.Then again, studies show that few men actually wash their hands in public bathrooms. Maybe this will act as encouragement. It's a public health initiative, I'm sure!" I though that that comment made the post a little better, but it still makes me upset that they would create such a thing. Like we don’t get put down enough that now men get to visualize us being bent over while they wash their hands in the bathroom. When I first saw this it made me feel really angry to be completely honest. I don’t think they should have such things like this.

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