Tuesday, October 23, 2007

HW#23 "With Apologies to Virginia Woolf"

After reading chapters 3&4 in Virginia Woolf's "A Room of One's Own," we were asked to write a response to a blog we're watching as if it was Virginia Woolf herself speaking. I chose to do a blog from Jezebel; you can find it at http://jezebel.com/gossip/hells-bells/return-of-the-british-bridezillas-313638.php.

Response as Woolf:
This article that I read was perennial; I couldn’t believe such things like this are actually being allowed to take place. Women choosing their husbands? Marriage was not an affair of personal affection. Betrothal often took place. It wasn’t until about 1670 that women were allowed to choose their own husband, and even then it was only the upper and middle class women. Therefore it was not everyone that could have such power when it came to major decisions. But back then one knew that they could never conquer such desires. In this piece it lets us know that weddings should be exciting, and that you should never have to experience such a catastrophe as being forced to be with another man that you do not chose. A man states in this article that "If I could ask God to provide me with the perfect day, then my wedding day would be it." This is absolutely astonishing, a man, excited for his wedding day?! I am amazed and stunned by what has come of this issue today. I wish that it was always like this. It was inconspicuous back then. And I am happy to be a part of this lovely new world. By allowing a woman to pick her own lover, you are allowing her to chose her own path in life, and make it however she pleases.

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